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Article - August 2019 In Review

As we are early in 2022 it’s a good time to reflect on the guiding principles which govern our investment advice philosophy. H&A’s overall basis of investment advice is goal-focused and planning-driven

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Article - ADV Offer Letter

As we are early in 2022 it’s a good time to reflect on the guiding principles which govern our investment advice philosophy. H&A’s overall basis of investment advice is goal-focused

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401(K) Investment Options for Mid-Atlantic Verizon Associates

If you are a Verizon associate, you probably are familiar with the 401(k) plan the company offers.

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The Verizon Corporate Profit-Sharing Award for Verizon Associates

The Verizon Corporate Profit-Sharing Award for Verizon Associates &  guide to understanding Verizon Corporate Profit-Sharing

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Verizon Retiree Healthcare Coverage Benefits

If you are beginning the process of planning for your retirement, there are steps to take now to ensure your healthcare coverage continues after you retire.

  • Case Studies

Diversifying concentrated VZ Stock Allocation in 401(k)

Learn how one client properly allocated his 401(K) between stocks and bonds, as well as diversified his plan across all asset classes and market sectors. 

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Retiree Life Insurance for Verizon Mid-Atlantic Associates

If you are beginning the process of planning for your retirement, there are steps to take now to ensure your healthcare coverage continues after you retire.

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Calling the Verizon Benefits Center When You Plan to Retire

When you decide to retire from Verizon, you will most likely contact the Verizon Benefits Center to elect and specify the commencement dates of your pension, health care, and other retiree benefits.

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Social Security Benefits for When a Husband or Wife Dies

Social Security benefits provide a much-needed financial security net that facilitates a comfortable retirement.

  • Memos & Documents

Pension Election Guide

An in-depth look at how Verizon associates can properly make a pension election when retiring. 

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What Should I Do if I’m Retiring and Have a Loan against My Verizon 401(k)?

Borrowing from your retirement savings is a quick, affordable, and convenient way of fulfilling your cash needs.

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Verizon Pension Annuity vs. Lump Sum Payout – Pros & Cons

If you’re a Verizon employee considering retirement, one of the biggest decisions you can make is between pension annuity and lump sum payout options.

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Verizon Retirement Planning

Creating a financial plan will lay the foundation for your financial wellness throughout your retirement and help you realize the important goals and benchmarks you can work towards as you get closer to retirement.

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Survivor Benefits Program for Mid-Atlantic Verizon Associates

You never know what life is going to throw at you, so it's important to be prepared for the unexpected.

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Verizon Retirement Pension Plan

The Verizon Retirement Plan for Mid-Atlantic Associates is a defined benefit pension plan designed to provide you with a financial resource at your retirement.

  • Case Studies

Rising Interest Rates and Pension Lump Sum Values

If you are a Verizon associate, you probably are familiar with the 401(k) plan the company offers.

  • Case Studies

How the Right Guidance Saved a Verizon Employee $30K

Learn how the H&A team helped one client save $30,000 in pension benefits by identifying an error in his retirement commencement date.

  • Memos & Documents

Verizon Benefits Directory

Contact information for the Verizon Benefits Center and other important contacts. 

  • Case Studies

Retirement Paperwork Case Study

The paperwork process to retire needs to be handled with care. Learn how the H&A team helped one client through the overwhelming retirement paperwork process and ensured she made the decisions that were right for her and her family.

  • Memos & Documents

Lump Sum or Annuity? Verizon Pension Benefit Choices Explained

Pension-eligible Verizon employees should understand the pros and cons of the annuity option and the lump-sum payout. Learn more. 

  • Memos & Documents

Estate Planning Guide

A helpful guide to help ensure you have everything you need for comprehensive estate planning.

  • Case Studies

Pension Lump Sum or Pension Annuity Case Study

Follow fictional Jane Miller as she decides between the Lump Sum option or the Annuity option with the guidance of H&A. 

  • Memos & Documents

Tips for Verizon Employees Considering an EISP Offer and Early Retirement

We help Verizon employees considering or taking EISP offers plan for a financially secure retirement. Learn how to get the most out of your EISP.